We welcome neighborly debate about streetlights on Springdale. A neighborly debate must not be based on false information, however. Inaccurate information appears in a flyer just circulated in the neighborhood. The purpose of this post is provide corrections about the cost issue, in order to avoid confusion.
You can support streetlights without contributing a penny to the upfront costs.
It is simply untrue that "the cost is likely to be at least several thousand dollars for each house that signs the petition." Instead, the average upfront cost is likely to be approximately $1200. Supporters who cannot contribute or do not wish to contribute will face no upfront costs at all.
Funds for the upfront cost will come from fundraising. The Druid Hills Civic Association provided financial support for Oakdale. The rest of their funds came from contributions from the neighborhood. We plan to fund the upfront costs the same way. While we encourage financial support for this effort, you can support streetlights without participating in the fundraising.
Your support is needed even if you don't wish to contribute to fundraising.
Our approach has been to canvass the neighborhood based on a good cost estimate derived from Oakdale's recent efforts, past quotes for Springdale, and information from Georgia Power. Meanwhile, we are working with DeKalb County and Georgia Power on a concrete plan. Fundraising for upfront costs will begin only after 51% of the neighborhood decides to support lights.
We hope to contribute to an open dialog based on the facts. If you have been confused by the previous flyer or would like more information, please reach out to Bill Aitkenhead at aitkenhead@gmail.com or 404-565-0075.
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